Maine ARES Training Information

Maine CERT Courses

Many of the Maine ARES groups have incorporated the Maine CERT courses as part of their formal training. These are on line courses and are available through your county EMA. The courses are provided by JPMA (Justice Planning and Management Associates) in Augusta.

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Having a working understanding of the National Incident Management System (NIMS) is essential to the emergency communications operator. FEMA has a number of courses which can be taken on line. The basic ones include, in general order of priority:

  • ICS-100: Introduction to the Incident Command System
  • ICS-700: National Incident Management System, an Introduction
  • ICS-200: ICS for Single Resources and Initial Action Incidents

Your agency director may designate other NIMS courses in addition to these. For more information, go to the FEMA Emergency Management Institute .

ARRL Courses

ARRL is now offering mentored and other on line courses. Some come with a fee. These inclued:

  • Introduction to Emergency Communication (EC-001) - $50 for members, $85 for non-members.
  • Public Service and Emergency Communications Management for Radio Amateurs (EC-016) - $35
  • PR-101: ARRL Public Relations (EC-015) - no charge

More information is available at

Example of a Tracking Template for Training

As one example, Knox County ARES/RACES-CERT uses a spreadsheet for an "at-a-glance" record of training for each team member. The sheet is divided into the several Maine CERT courses, the required ICS courses and then various categories for various aspects communications, some of which may be specific to that county's facilities and equipment. Some of these include familiarity with the general operations and equipment of the radio room, set up and operation fo the communications trailer, digital communications software, the radio room at the Pen Bay Hospital, etc. An example of the chart may be viewed HERE (pdf) .

For comments or questions, please contact KB1TCE at kb1tce(atsign)maine-ares(dot)org